The Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Rules, 2006. - FORMS


[See rule 24(1)]

Application for grant of permission to submit return for different period .


The Commercial Tax Officer


I,................*Proprietor/*Manager/*Partner/*Director of the business known as...................... olding registration certificate No........... .....under the Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Act. 2005 whose only/*principal place of business within the jurisdiction of Commercial Tax Officer......... (circle) is situated / village..... District........ Tehsil........ Municipal ward No.............(for Municipal areas only) do hereby apply for permission to file an annual return under the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 19 of the said Act, read with rule 24 of the Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Rules, 2006 and for the said purpose I am furnishing the following particulars :

(1) Place of business in respect of which permission is applied for ,-

(i) Name and style of the business ___________________________

(ii) Address of the place of business _________________________

(iii) Registration certificate No. _____________________________

(2) Year for which permission is applied for __________ (From _________ to_______________ )

(3) Gross turnover and tax assessed for the latest previous year.

(i) year ___________________________ (From ____________ to __________________ )

(ii) Gross turnover Rs.__________________

(ii) Tax assessed_________________

(iii) Assessment case No. _______,

(iv) order of assessment dated ________,

passed by Shri ___________________ Commercial Tax Officer ___________________Circle/ Shri _____________ Assistant Commissioner of CommercialTax__________________________

(4) Gross turnover and tax payable according to the returns for the preceding year,-

(i) Year __________________ (From __________to __________)

(ii) Gross turnover Rs.______________________.

(iii) Tax payable Rs.______________________ Tax paid Rs.__________________.

Place..................... ..................................
Date...................... Signature of the dealer
I, ......... do hereby state that what is stated herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place..................... ..................................
Date...................... Signature of the dealer